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Early Morning Adhan

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Adhan (Call to Prayer) Zarifa Haq Miti

Submitted by Zarifa Haq Miti

On the recording, we can hear the Adhan, the call to prayer for Muslims, as several mosques start the call simultaneously. This is quite common in Dhaka, a place findly known as the “City of Mosques”.

We can hear the sound of rickshaw bells, children playing, and the sound of Adhan. There is something very soothing about the sound of Adhan although another mosque starts its Adhan simultaneously in this recording, yet it seems as if it's the same person from the same mosque.

Also, the sound of children playing in the background is quite noticeable since it was recorded from when the sun was going down. Children in Bangladesh usually play with their friends outside during the afternoon and are expected to return home right before the Magrib prayer (sunset prayer). This is an integral part of their childhood as playing outdoors helps with their overall development. The city of Dhaka is also full of interesting transportation systems and vehicles, which gives us such striking noises. Although we cannot hear the noise of cars in the metropolitan city, we can distinctly hear the rickshaws in the distance…