Victoria Forum Webinar
Victoria Forum Webinar
Webinaire du Forum de Victoria
Universities as 21st-century schools for democracy: Building students' civic capacity through democratic innovations
For universities to fulfill their potential as schools for democracy and to better harness students’ passions and knowledge to address societal grand challenge, it is crucial to rethink how we involve students in university life and decision-making. Traditional methods, such as consulting elected student representatives or soliciting student feedback through self-selected consultation forums, have many merits, but also have important drawbacks. In this webinar, we will draw attention to the promises of democratic innovations such as deliberative mini-publics. We will hear from a random selection of participants in UVic's first ever deliberative mini-public that was held on campus in partnership with Government House: The Students' Dialogue on Democratic Engagement.
Date: September 16, 2021
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (PT) / 17:00 – 18:00 (GMT)
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