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Undergraduate Academic Writing Awards Deadline: May 3

The Writing Centre has announced that the deadline for this year’s Saint Mary's University Undergraduate Academic Writing Awards will be May 3.

This annual competition recognizes the best in undergraduate academic writing at Saint Mary's University. Awards are available in four categories: Humanities, Social Science, Science, and Business. There are also two levels of awards—lower (students with 60 or less total credit hours from any institution) and upper (students with more than 60 total credit hours from any institution). Papers at the upper level will be judged at a higher standard.

Submissions must be:

  • Written by an undergraduate student

  • Written entirely by the student making the submission

  • Individually written; group assignments are not eligible

  • From either Fall 2020 or Winter 2021 courses, but cannot be an undergraduate thesis

  • Accompanied by the original assignment description from the course

  • Accompanied by the submission form, digitally signed by the instructor of the course

  • Submitted via email as a Microsoft Word document, unless the submission is in an alternative digital medium (e.g. .mp3, .mp4, .mov)

  • Submitted before the deadline.

Students must agree to participate in the publishing process to be published.

Students may submit a paper from any course from September to April, regardless of whether it is related to their primary discipline. For example, a student in Science may submit an English paper.

For more information, please visit the Undergraduate Academic Writing Awards website.