Digital Course Design Webinar Series
Topic: Facilitating class sessions via ZOOM
Friday, December 17, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Facilitated by: Paul Maher and Sayan Maity
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Meeting ID: 886 5545 1244
Passcode: 115379
In remote and dual-mode teaching, synchronous sessions are a means to connect with all students at the same time, regardless of location. Synchronous activity offers a regular schedule and steady pace to the course and allows faculty to provide feedback or clarification to students in real-time. However, some challenges come from synchronous activity. Facilitating engagement can be a challenge in certain contexts. For example, students may be disinclined to participate within certain classes or unable to, as a result of limited access to technology. With Dual Mode delivery, active engagement can become very challenging, especially when looking to fully integrate the different groups of students attending the class session. Engaging via the platform itself can be a taxing experience for faculty and students alike
This session will explore various approaches to plan and deliver active and engaging activities within synchronous class sessions for remote, hybrid and Dual mode delivery. The following topics, in particular, will be covered:
Planning synchronous learning activity
Interactive features, polling / reactions
Backchannel engagement with chat feature
Active learning approaches
Each session will feature an active component and also provide an opportunity for participants to share experiences, insights and challenges. If format or timing does not suit, consider instead a one-on-one consultation.