Testing has a powerful effect on teaching and learning, and the impact of feedback on learners and instructors, or washback can be beneficial or harmful, relationship building, or rapport destroying. This session will examine the Washback Hypothesis and how both normative and criterion-based assessments provide opportunities for instructors to maximize feedback for teaching, learning, and classroom dynamics. Examples of washback will be discussed and resources provided to enhance the experience of instructors and the performance of learners.
Click here to join in Zoom | Meeting ID: 213 990 1134 | Passcode: 888888
Faculty Webinar Series
Lessons from the Learner-centered Classroom: Instructor Expectations and English Language Learner Performance
Presented by Lauren MacKenzie, Academic Learning Specialist, Writing Centre and Academic Communication
These interactive, one-hour sessions are designed to provide faculty with classroom practices that will enhance the participation and engagement of non-native-English speaking students (NNESS). These sessions will address current challenges facing Saint Mary’s University faculty in blended, distance, and in-person classes. Each session is based in theories of Second Language Acquisition, including:
Learner engagement and motivation;
Universal Design for Learning (UDL); and
Social justice and accessibility
The sessions are stand alone; faculty and staff are invited to join at any time in the series.
If you have any questions about these sessions,
please contact Lauren: Lauren.McKenzie@smu.ca