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Developing asynchronous content which supports active and engaged learning

Asynchronous course delivery affords a degree of flexibility on when and for how long students are able to engage with course materials. Asynchronous discussions have the potential to foster more democratic and comprehensive peer-to-peer engagement. A greater degree of accessibility and inclusion may result in well-planned asynchronous activity.  Alongside its benefits, the flexibility that comes with Asynchronous delivery can present some challenges. When working to their own schedule learners may disengage, fall behind or feel less connected to their peers. 

This webinar will focus on key strategies by which to optimize and structure asynchronous activity to support rich, engaging and active learning. The following topics, in particular, will be covered:

                •              Key lessons from learning science

                •              Planning and sequencing activity

                •              Supporting learning through transparency and accountability 

                •              Assessment and feedback

Each session will feature an active component and also provide an opportunity for participants to share experiences, insights and challenges. If format or timing does not suit, consider instead a one-on-one consultation with Paul Maher.

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Meeting ID: 942 8353 8434

Passcode: 361043