Talking Brightspace with Nicole d’Entremont & Paul Maher
The Talking Brightspace series features short webinars, each focusing on a specific Brightspace tool or process. Each session will showcase best practices based on insights gained from faculty and student experiences. While each session will cover some technical information the emphasis will be more on the process. Nicole and Paul will explore the tools holistically, demonstrating the user experience of faculty and students.
The sessions will last around 30 mins but participants are welcome to stick around to ask questions or engage in discussion. We plan to record the first part of the session, so if you cannot attend the session get in touch and we will share the recording with you.
Topic: Collaboration tools, discussion and groups.
Tuesday, January 4, 12:00 to 12:30 pm
Discussions are a great way to get students engaged in the course. Instructors can use this tool to foster peer-to-peer engagement on course subject matter. They can also be a means to extend in-person activity beyond class time. Discussion boards are also a way to support group work or collaboration within your class. Some examples include setting up a peer review process or providing a way for students to collaborate on and complete group projects outside of class time. The Groups tool in Brightspace can help instructors set up randomized groups or have groups open for self-registration by students. This session will highlight key features in the Groups and Discussions tool that connect students and support group work.
Meeting details: All Talking Brightspace sessions -
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