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Fostering a learning community within your course - High Impact Practice spotlight

Thursday  15th 2-2:30pm (30 minutes) | Click here to join via Zoom  

Facilitator: Paul Maher  

This session will explore several key strategies to establish a class learning community that features common intellectual experiences, that challenge students’ ways of thinking and increase interactions with individuals with experiences and life experiences different from their own (Experiences with diversity). Approaches include: 


  • Collaboratively establish course norms based on respect, preparedness, contribution, and ethical performance.  

  • Set performance expectations at appropriately high levels, and effectively communicate these expectations to students. 

  • Develop Group work and collaborative learning experiences which support learning 


This topic spotlight will review several strategies associated with High Impact Practices (Kuk, 2008), namely common intellectual experiences and learning communities.  Participants are invited to stay beyond the session time for an open discussion. If format or timing does not suit, consider instead a one-on-one consultation with Paul Maher.   

Earlier Event: December 15
Introduction to Creating Accessible Videos
Later Event: December 21
Designing a visual syllabus