Are you ready to JumpStart? 

Below you will find our four asynchronous (pre-recorded) modules. Each module includes a series of workshops that you can watch at your own pace.

ᐁ Click on any of the four headings below to see the workshops ᐁ

JumpStart Live Recordings

Walls and Caves in Education

In this workshop, you will begin to understand what the purpose of the university experience is. You will learn what it means to think, understand and create.

University: What are we doing here?

In this session, students will learn what university is about. We will discuss how to think like a university student.

Reading, Writing and Speaking Critically

Applying educational theory to the practical ways we learn in a university setting. How does one critically read? How can you listen and critically assess what your professor is saying? How can you take information you have learned and form opinions and ideas?

Importance of Academic Integrity

Why is academic integrity important? In this session, we will discuss the importance of giving credit where credit is due. As young scholars, we will chat about how integrating outside sources will enhance your writing and critical thinking skills. We will also talk about the expectations SMU has for Academic Integrity, where you can reach out for support.

The Writing Process

One of the hardest parts of the writing process is finding the direction of your paper and getting started. In this session, we will discuss the 40:20:40 rule, the development of an argument and supporting ideas. At the end of this session, you will have a near complete essay outline and a deeper understanding of methods for creating research topics, thesis statements, understanding paragraph structure and function, and integrating evidence to support your claims.