Presented by: Nicole d’Entremont and Paul Maher
The Grade Tool provides essential information to students regarding progress in your course. When a grade book is set up, students can view all of their feedback in a central location and help them keep track their overall progress. System metrics indicate that students will regularly view the grade book when it’s been set-up for their courses. This session will outline some key tips and best practices on using the Grade Tool which both support learning and make it easier for faculty to provide feedback to students.
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About the Talking Brightspace Series
Talking Brightspace sessions are designed for faculty, staff and TA’s currently using Brightspace to deliver or administer course work.
Each session will focus on the various tools within Brightspace. These sessions will have two components. The first part will involve Nicole and Paul demonstrating the specific features and how these interrelate within a typical workflow. Their focus will include what supports student learning and engagement as well as optimising workflows for faculty and course instructors. The remainder of each session will provide opportunity for attendees to ask questions and share their experiences with using that particular tool.