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Equity Summit for Post Secondary Education (External Event)

The Social Equity Working Group is now open for registration for the Equity Summit - Post Secondary Education. 

Please note: There is a cap of in-person registrations at 125 persons. The Summit will take place at Mount Saint Vincent University and virtually, you may select virtual attendance in the registration form link:  Equity Summit Registration 

Summit Agenda

Transforming Practice Overview

The Equity Summit will officially launch Transforming Practice: Learning Equity, Learning Excellence modules. These modules focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Culturally Responsive Pedagogies and Practices (CRP). They were developed with first-voice and subject matter experts from most post-secondary institutions in NS.

As a Summit participant you will:

  • Be inspired by our keynote speaker Natteal Battiste

  • Explore the Transforming Practice modules and their roll-out across Post Secondary Institutions in NS

  • Learn about best practices to create equity-centered learning environments

  • Participate in collaborative discussions with UDL and CRP champions who have developed model courses

  • Identify how to champion UDL and CRP in your institution through Communities of Practice

    The Equity Summit will support the creation of Communities of Practice in the post-secondary sector to help faculty, teaching and learning centre staff, and student services staff implement UDL and CRP into their professional practice. Through the implementation of UDL and CRP, post-secondary institutions can create inclusive, safe and positive learning spaces for students to thrive.
    Please join us as we work collectively (&) to transform the post-secondary sector in pursuit of equity and excellence.

    The Equity Summit is presented by the Nova Scotia pan institutional post-secondary Social Equity Working Group. The Social Equity Working Group (SEWG) looks for opportunities, efficiencies and partnerships aimed at improving the economic and social well-being of Nova Scotia students by upholding the Provincial commitment to educational equity and specifically the implementation of UDL & CRP across the sector.