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Teaching During the Pandemic

You are invited to join second session designed to bring together faculty and staff to reflect on the experience of teaching during the pandemic.

Faculty Discussion Series | Spring 2022 session

CLARI (Atrium) and Online via Zoom

While in-person teaching has resumed, many faculty continue (or plan) to deliver digitally mediated courses (via remote, online, hybrid or dual-mode delivery). Many remain touched -- in various ways -- by our experiences of the past two years. These experiences have granted us insights about our students, ourselves, and about the process of teaching via digital platforms. For many faculty, teaching in a virtual environment has afforded new approaches or strategies that may continue to shape their teaching practice.

This session will bring together a small group of faculty members who will join in conversation with the session moderator. There will also be opportunity for participants to add to the conversation by sharing their insights and lessons learned.

Spring Session Contributors

Dr. Sara Malton
Session Moderator

Dr. Sam Veres
Summary and Concluding remarks 

Dr. Leslie Digdon (History & Engineering)
(Using the Flesch-Kincaid Scale to Enhance Readability)

Dr. Brenna Frasier (Forensic Sciences)
Using Thing Link to set up Virtual Crime Scene

Dr. Jason Ivanoff (Psychology)
Project Based Learning and U/G Research

Julian L'Enfant (Education)
New Digital Tools

Dr. Paul Muir (Mathematics & Computer Science)
Active learning in the Dual Mode classroom.


Please register for this event:

Virtual attendance via ZOOM: Link will be sent upon registration

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The Out of Isolation organizing committee:

Dr. Roby Austin, Associate Dean, Faculty of Science

Dr. Sara Malton, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts

Dr. Margaret McKee,  Associate Dean, Faculty of Commerce

Dr. Wendy Carroll, Academic Director EMBA program

Stefani Woods & Paul Maher, The Studio for Teaching and Learning