Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Project Awards

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project awards are designed to support faculty and librarians in their scholarly research and teaching. We encourage submission for proposals that benefit the pedagogical community by enhancing teaching and learning approaches.

Designed to support projects at different stages of their design and planning, applicants can apply for funding under one of two categories:

(Category A) Project Development: Start-up funding to support early stage, exploratory teaching-related projects

(Category B) Full Research Projects: Funding to support more advanced, fully developed research project proposals

Note: The award cannot normally be used for the purchase of equipment, teaching release time, basic curriculum development activities, or activities that should be part of a department's or faculty's normal funding responsibilities.


All full and part-time faculty and professional librarians are eligible to apply.

Award Amounts:

Awards are for a maximum of $1500 in any fiscal year. The availability of awards and the amounts awarded are subject to available funding.

Application Procedures and Deadlines:

Applications may be submitted and approved during the calendar year from April 1 to December 31. Funds must be used within the budget year in which they were awarded – by March 15, prior to the end of the fiscal year.

Potential applicants are encouraged to consult the Studio for Teaching and Learning before submitting their application.

Applicants must complete the form provided on this website. All information requested on the forms must be provided. The awards sub-committee may request further explanation or clarification.

To apply, please submit your completed application by email to the Studio for Teaching and Learning Applicants are reminded that proposals must demonstrate knowledge of and connection to the relevant research literature.

Examples of previous project awards can be found here.

Communication of Findings:

Successful applicants are required to report on and share their research with the Saint Mary's community. This report can take many forms such as presenting findings through a workshop or leading a community of practice organized through the Studio.

Successful applicants are requested to acknowledge the Senate Committee on Learning and Teaching and the Studio for Teaching and Learning in presentations and reports related to their award.

The Senate Committee on Learning and Teaching reserves the right to make amendments to the award guidelines and criteria.