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Engaging & Inclusive learning activities – UDL topic spotlight

Tuesday 13th 10-10:30am (30 minutes) | Click here to join via Zoom 

Facilitator: Paul Maher 


Learning activities and assessment fall under the Action & Expression principle within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines. This topic spotlight will explore several ways to maintain engagement and support your diverse learners succeed in your course, including:   


  • Learner efficacy, motivation & value 

  • Authentic & alternative assessment 

  • Gamification & appropriate challenge  

  • Interaction & Active learning 


This topic spotlight will review some strategies associated with providing multiple ways in which leaners can respond to, navigate course expectations, and increase fluencies in skills and processes. Participants are invited to stay beyond the session time for an open discussion. If format or timing does not suit, consider instead a one-on-one consultation with Paul Maher.