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Incorporating metacognitive learning - UDL topic spotlight

Wednesday 14th 2 - 2:30pm (30 minutes) | Click here to join via Zoom 

Facilitator: Paul Maher 


Metacognitive active is of critical importance within learning yet can be the most challenging element to incorporate into your course. This UDL spotlight reviews several strategies which support your students gain the most of their learning environments and build executive functions.  


  • Reflection and metacognition 

  • Leveraging peer-to-peer interaction to build on and incorporate prior learning and experience  

  • Brainstorming to catalyze divergent thinking  

  • Mind-mapping to facilitate convergent thinking and making connections 


This topic spotlight will review several strategies associated with providing multiple ways in which learners can build on prior knowledge and experience along with identifying importance patterns within their own cultural framework. All which support goal setting and guide students towards developing long term relationships with learning. Participants are invited to stay beyond the session time for an open discussion. If format or timing does not suit, consider instead a one-on-one consultation with Paul Maher.