Best Overall + Humanities category (upper level) winner
Paul Merrimen, "The Failure of Courtly Love in Troilus & Criseyde" (ENG 3405, Dr. Stephanie Morley)
Humanities category (upper level) honourable mentions
Stuart Cheyne, "'Thow be understonde': Writing a Good Reader in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde" (ENG 3405, Dr. Stephanie Morley)
Emily Hillman, "Uneasy Alliances: Political Strategies of Silla's Elites" (HIST 2394, Dr. Bill Sewell)
Humanities category (lower level) winner
Eric Franklin, HIST 4500 - "The Bard’s Witness: The Welsh and Early Modern English National Consciousness"
Social Science category (upper level) winner
Tyler Hatfield, "Weapon Focus Effect: A Literature Review" (PSYC 3338, Dr. Marguerite Ternes)
Social Science category (upper level) honourable mention
Elinor Hammond, POLI 2305 - "Simulation II Report, State C: Treaty Compliance Mechanism"
Isalean Phillip, "Economic Globalization and its effects on the nation-state of India" (POLI 3322, Dr. Carlos Pessoa)
Social Science category (lower level) winner
Matthew Clerk, "Women in Crisis: The Colonial Roots of Epidemic violence and oppresssion" (POLI 1220, Dr. Peter Heron)