Virtual Exchange with University of the Arctic

Virtual Fall Semester Exchange Opportunity



Host institution: University of Arctic




Program: Circumpolar Studies Online Program


CS 100* – Introduction to the Circumpolar World

CS 311--Land and Environment of the Circumpolar World I

CS 321 -- Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I

CS 331 – Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I

ARCTIC 200 -  Arctic Indigenous Internationalism

ARCTIC301 –  Inukitut Inuit Language (limited enrollment and with permission by instructor)


*CS 100 is the prerequisite for CS 311, 321, 322, 331, and 332


Dates: September-December 2021


Credits: contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form.



SMU students pay their regular tuition to SMU for the transfer credit hours.

There may be other program/ancillary fees charged by the host institution.


Funding: Apply for the Virtual Global Learning Awards at:


If you are interested, please email or contact us virtually to ask questions about the program and/or to apply.