University of Jyväskylä Exchange Program in Finland (Winter 2025)


Thank you for your interest in SMU Exchange! While you prepare your application, you may want to learn in advance what your (and the Global Learning Office’s) plans, expectations, and responsibilities are. This information guide will help you prepare for a well-planned exchange program. Please review it carefully and thoroughly so that your application is full and complete for the selection process. And remember, we are here to assist you throughout all phases of the exchange program! Please e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.   

Why should I study abroad? 

There are many reasons and benefits. When you study abroad, you not only enrich your academic experience but also develop intercultural communication skills, competencies and confidence. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience through which you build your resume, learn about different cultures, and make new friends from around the world. Besides you have the support of the home and host universities throughout the journey. 

What is University of Jyväskylä like? 

University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is an internationally ranked research university and is one of the largest and most popular multidisciplinary universities in Finland. JYU provides a genuinely supportive and enjoyable environment for studying. JYU has 14 300 students from about 100 countries. They believe that interaction with people from different cultures and backgrounds is an essential part of academic studies and the university experience. SMU and JYU have been exchange partners since 2006.. The population of Jyväskylä is around 148,000, and the city is located about 170km north of the capital city, Helsinki. See more information here

What subjects are offered at JYU? In what language? 

Many courses for exchange students are offered in English by the following: 

  • Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication 

  • Faculty of Education and Psychology 

  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 

  • Faculty of Information Technology 

  • Faculty of Mathematics and Science 

  • Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences 

  • School of Business and Economics 

See more information here

Winter along the shore in Jyväskylä

Can I receive transfer credits towards my SMU degree? 

It depends on which courses you have left to complete for your SMU degree. Please meet with your academic advisor (see here) as a first step. Your advisor will not be able to tell you which courses to take (-- it is up to you to research the partner university’s courses) but can 1) confirm if any of the remaining SMU program requirements can be completed abroad during the exchange program and 2) go over the Letter of Permission process with you. 

Note: JYU course credits are weighted differently from SMU courses. If you plan to earn 15 credit hours from the exchange semester towards your degree, you should aim to validate 30 “ECTS” credits at JYU. 

You must attain a grade of C or higher in most cases for the JYU credits to be accepted by SMU. Please note that the host university’s grades will not be used in the calculation of your SMU GPA – the transfer credits will show on your SMU transcript with a code, “TR”, instead of a letter grade.  

What did former exchange students say about studying in Finland? 

Watch Caitlin’s testimonial here

Am I eligible? 

The Exchange Program at JYU is open to all SMU students (Canadian and Non-Canadian students, full-time or part-time) who are in good academic standing and have completed at least 30 credit hours at SMU. We welcome applicants of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Students who are eligible to receive transfer credits towards their SMU degree will be prioritized

Important: Your official transcript will be sent from JYU upon completion of the exchange program; however, it will take a couple of months for the transfer credits to be added to your banner account. Therefore, if you are in your final year of your Bachelor program, your graduation will be in Fall 2025. 

What are my costs? 

You will be responsible for SMU tuition (paid at SMU for the transfer credit hours), $100 study abroad admin fee, international and in-country travel, travel insurance, housing, food, communication, passport application, Finnish immigration* application, any fees charged by the host university and miscellaneous/personal expenses. The average living expenses of a single student in Jyväskylä amounts to about €700-900 (approx. CAD$1100-$1400) per month. 

Do I need a visa to study in Finland? 

Yes. Exchange students need to obtain a “Residence Permit” to study in Finland. The Residence Permit application process begins as soon as your acceptance letter is issued by JYU. Students need to prove that they have 560euros per study month. Important: After completing an electronic application, all applicants must visit a VFS Global application centre in person to prove their identity, NO EXCEPTIONS. For students in Nova Scotia, the closest VFS Centres to Halifax are in Montreal or Ottawa. Budget for your travel to a VFS Centre accordingly. See more information at: 

  • Guide for students applying for a residence permit here  

  • How to apply for a residence permit provided by the Finnish mission in Canada here 

  • The VFS.GLOBAL Finland Residence Permit Application Centres here 

Is there funding? 

Yes! The funding program is called the “Erasmus+” International Credit Mobility. Six (6) successful applicants will be selected for the JYU exchange program, and those six students will receive an Erasmus+ mobility grant each. Each grant consists of 900euro-stipend per month for 4 months plus a travel subsidy of 820euros for a total of 4420euros (approx. CAD$6600). Funding will be given by JYU after students arrive in Finland; therefore, students need to pay out of pocket any upfront expenses such as the residence permit application costs and international airfare. 

When is the application deadline? Other important dates? 

You will submit your application for the JYU exchange program to the SMU Global Learning Office by Monday September 16 2024, at 4pm. After you review this information guide, email to obtain an application form before Monday September 9. The selection result will be released by Monday September 23 or soon thereafter, and successful candidates will complete the JYU admission application by Friday October 11. As soon as your acceptance is confirmed by JYU, you will start the Residence Permit application process with VFS Global. You will be invited to attend a series of pre-departure orientation meetings.  

The Orientation program at JYU (mandatory) will be held from January 3-7 2025. The exchange semester ends on May 25 2025. 

Other Information 

  • Welcome to the University of Jyvaskyla here (1min23sec) 

  • JYU Exchange Factsheet here 

From Acceptance to Pre-departure 

Once you are accepted into the program by SMU (internal selection) and by JYU (admission decision), there are other steps you will follow to prepare for your departure. Those steps include the following and additional information about each item will be provided later: 

  1. Request approval for taking JYU courses for the transfer of credits 

  2. Apply for a passport (if expiring before November 2025) 

  3. If you are a non-Canadian student, ensure your Canadian Study Permit and Visa remain valid for re-entry to Canada after the exchange program. (If you are a Canadian Permanent Resident Card holder, check the expiry date, too.) 

  4. Apply for a Finnish Residence Permit 

  5. Arrange travel insurance (mandatory) 

  6. Purchase airline tickets 

  7. Attend pre-departure briefing meetings and learn to manage travel risks 

  8. Register in courses at JYU 

  9. Apply for housing through JYU between October 18 & November 1 2024 

  10. Get to know other SMU students who will be on exchange in the same semester 

  11. Inform the Global Learning Office if applying for a student loan, and keep in touch with the SMU Financial Aid & Awards Office 

  12. Research the host country and region 

  13. Request accessibility services to JYU, as required 

  14. Register your travel 

  15. Complete the waiver form 

  16. Attend the orientation at JYU on January 3-7 2025 (mandatory) 

  17. Pay SMU tuition and $100 fee at SMU (due January 17 2025) 

  18. Review the post-experience reporting requirements and book a re-entry workshop 

  19. Receive an official transcript from JYU so your credits will be added to banner 

If there are any questions or concerns and to request the SMU Exchange Program application, email 

We look forward to receiving your application! 

Contact Information: 

Miyuki Arai, Global Learning and Intercultural Support 


Office: Atrium 106