Summer 2022: Tec de Monterrey, Mexico
Tec de Montreery is offering their iSummerMx Programs, which are innovative, experiential learning academic options designed for International students who love traveling and learning about new cultures while visiting different Tec de Monterrey campuses in different cities.
The program is enriched with special activities such as field trips, company visits, and networking events that will make their experience unforgettable, creating everlasting memories, exercising their intellectual curiosity, and developing entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership skills in a multicultural setting.
iSummerMX program (July 4-29 2022) (in-person)
iSummer 2022 - MARKETING INSIGHTS folleto.pdf - Google Drive
iSummer 2022 - Aeronautics Industry folleto.pdf - Google Drive
Other programs (June 27-July 29 2022) (in-person and online)
Undergraduate Research Projects (in-person or online)
Research Projects 2022-23 Brochure.pdf - Google Drive
University courses (in-person or online)
More info to come
Internship Program (in-person or online)
Internship Program 2022-2023 - Brochure.pdf - Google Drive
Spanish as a Second Language (in-person or online)
More info available soon.
SMU students pay tuition to Saint Mary’s for transfer credits that are approved by a Letter of Permission. Visit you academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission Process.
Contact the Global Learning Office to learn more and express interest in participating in this exchange opportunity.