The University of Jyvaskya is offering a vareity of courses for exchange students this summer. SMU students choose one of the weeks as listed below.
Week 1 (30.5. - 3.6.2022)
Finnish Language and Culture
Education in Finland
Adapted Physical Activity
Visual Communication as a Way to Improve Working Life Skills
Physical Activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion - International Perspectives
Week 2 (6. - 10.6.2022)
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Managing Customer Relationships with Digital Marketing
Multilingual Communication in Multicultural Teams
Mindfulness in the Modern World
Climate Change, Migration and Crisis Preparedness in Social Work
Week 3 (13. - 17.6.2022)
Music, Mind & Well-being
Nordic Working Life Model: Past, Present and the Future of Work in Light of Institutional Theories
Learning and Teaching in Growing Diversity
Sport (Tourism) Marketing
Learn more at:
Application deadline: March 8, 2022
Tuition is paid at SMU for transfer credits approved by a Letter of Permission. Visit your academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission. To learn more about this program or express interest please contact the Global Learning Office.