Workflows for Specific Purposes
There are two different ways in which you can set up office hours in Brightspace using Zoom.
Create a recurring Zoom meeting for your office hours outside Brightspace and share that link/import the meeting in all your courses.
Log in to (or open your Zoom Desktop App).
- For Zoom website: Go to Meetings and click on Schedule a New Meeting.
- For Zoom app, click on Schedule from the homepage.
- Set up the meeting as recurring meeting by checking the box Recurring Meeting.
Set the recurrence (This feature is only available in
- For your weekly classes , set the Ocurrence to weekly.
- Set the Repeat every to the 1 week and select.
- Set the Occurs on to the day of the weeks it will occur.
Set the End Date or set the number of weeks to repeat.
Make sure the Waiting Room is enabled.
Software & Application Support Centre Studio for Teaching and LearningAfter that you can import the meeting all your other courses or copy that link directly to the course calendar of the other courses.
To import the meeting please follow these steps:
Click on the three dots beside Schedule a New Meeting.
Select Import Meeting.
Then paste the Meeting ID of your office hours and click Import.
Note: The Meeting ID for a recurring meeting is same for all the recurrences.
Once you have imported the meeting in your Brightspace course page, it will be automatically added to your course calendar under Upcoming Dates.
Log in to (or open your Zoom Desktop App).
- Schedule office hours in the Zoom tool in all your Brightspace course pages using your Personal Meeting ID.
On the course homepage, click on the dropdown arrow beside Upcoming Dates and select Go to Calendar.
Click on Create an Event.
Paste the Zoom link for office hours in the description. (The link beside Invite Attendees/Invite Link).
Under When, set the time for your office hours. Also, to create a recurring event click on Add Recurrence.
Click on Create.
To schedule a recurring meeting for your office hours using you Personal Meeting ID, please set the recurrence to No Fixed Time. It will create a single link for the meeting which you can start at any time. You can schedule this meeting from Brightspace, Zoom Desktop App or Zoom Website.

Note: Since the recurrence is set to No Fixed Time, you need to add your office hours to your course calendar manually. Please follow these steps to do so.
To add the link to the course calendar, please follow these steps.
Note: This workflow relies on storing your recording in the cloud. If you select record locally on your computer, you will need to follow an alternate work-flow.
In Brightspace from the course nav bar (navigation panel), go to Zoom, located between Grades and course tools.
Beside the scheduled meeting for your asynchronous class, hit Start.
You will be prompted to open your Zoom App for the meeting. Click on Open Zoom Meetings.
Once meeting opens, prevent students from joining your meeting. Navigate to Security on the meeting toolbar at the bottom.
Check the option Lock Meeting.
When ready to record, click on Record.
Select the option, Record to the cloud. After that recording will start.
To Pause the recording click on Pause button.
To Resume the recording click on Resume button.
CAUTION: Do not click on Stop during the recording. Selecting stop end the recording file and result in more than one recording file. If you do wish to redo a recording, then select the Stop option and recommence your recording (lecture). You can then publish the recording you wish students to view.
- Once you finished recording select End to end your meeting.
- Now in Brightspace, Navigate to Zoom.
Open Cloud Recording.
Toggle the option Publish beside the recording to publish the recording to the students.
If you have any questions about using Zoom in your course or would like any additional support using the software, please reach out to the Software & Application Support Centre via email at
Setting Up Your Class
- Open an internet browser and go to Brightspace Login and log in with your S-Number and password.
- Navigate to your desired course under My Courses.
- Select Zoom along the top navigation bar.
Click on the Schedule a New Meeting button.
Change the topic name, set the date and time and the duration of your class meeting.
If you wish to set up a weekly class meeting, select the Recurring meeting checkbox.
- Select Weekly from the Recurrence drop-down menu.
- Set the Repeat every to 1 week and select the check boxes that correspond with the days of the week your class takes place.
Set the End Date for a specific date or set the number of weeks the class should repeat.
Under the meeting options we would suggest selecting the option Mute Participants Upon Entry.
- Once you have finished the setup, click on Save.
- Click on the Zoomtab again from the navigation bar.
Select the name of your Zoom meeting under the Topic column.
Scroll down to the Security section and click on Show next to the Passcode.
Copy the meeting passcode by highlighing it with your cursor, right clicking, and selecting Copy from the drop-down menu.
- Paste the meeting passcode into a News Item, email to your students, or elsewhere in your Brightspace course to let students know the meeting passcode. We recommend that you use the same meeting passcode for each class meeting for the same course during the semester.
By default the passcode for Zoom meeting is included in the link. So when students join a Zoom meeting through Brightspace, they do not have to input any passcode seperately. However if you need to share the passcode for the meeting, you can do that in the following way.
In the Classroom
- Log in to the computer using your S-Number and password.
- Open an internet browser and go to Brightspace Login and log in with your S-Number and password.
- Navigate to your course and click on the Zoom tab on the navigation bar.
Locate your class meeting and click Start.
A new tab will open and Zoom installation will be automatically downloaded into the computer.
Once downloaded, click on the .exe file. It will automatically start installing Zoom (Latest Version 5.8.4 at the time of writing)
You can mute the mic and turn off the video by clicking each button, respectively.
To turn on the projector, click POWER ON on the media control panel.
To share the computer screen on the computer, make sure PC is selected.
Meeting controls:
Join Audio
or Unmute (
) / Mute (
): Mute and unmute your microphone. Audio Controls (click the ^ arrow next to Mute / Unmute): Allows you to change the microphone and speaker that Zoom is currently using on your computer, leave computer audio, and access the full audio settings.
Start Video (
) / Stop Video (
): Turns your camera on or off. Video Controls (click the ^ arrow next to Start Video / Stop Video): Change cameras if you have multiple cameras, select a virtual background (if enabled), or access your full video settings.
Security (
): Access in-meeting security options.
Participants (
): Opens the window to manage students, view aggregate nonverbal feedback, and invite others to join the meeting.
Chat (
): Access the chat window to chat with the students.
Share Screen (
): Start sharing your screen. You will be able to select the desktop or application you want to share. When you are screen sharing, the controls will appear at the top of your screen, but you can drag it to another location.
Share Screen controls (click ^ next to Share Screen): Select who can share in your meeting and if you want only the instructor or any student to be able to start a new share when someone is sharing.
Share Screen controls (click ^ next to Share Screen): Select who can share in your meeting and if you want only the instructor or any student to be able to start a new share when someone is sharing.
Record (
): Start or stop a cloud or local recording.
Closed Caption/Live Transcript (
): Click the Live Transcript button and select Enable Auto-Transcription to enable students to turn on captions if you are speaking English.
Breakout Rooms (
): Start breakout rooms.
Reactions (
): Meeting reactions, nonverbal feedback, and Raise Hand allow you to communicate issues or feedback to the Instructor or Student without disrupting the meeting. These reactions are shown on your video panel and next to your name on the participant’s panel.
More (
): Clicking on More will give you access to additional options.
- Live on Facebook: Broadcast your meeting live on Facebook.
- Live on Workplace by Facebook: Broadcast your meeting live on Workplace by Facebook.
- Live on YouTube: Broadcast your meeting live on YouTube.
- Live on Custom Live Streaming Service: Broadcast your meeting live on a custom streaming platform.
End (only available to the host): Display the following two options.
- End Meeting for All: End the meeting for yourself and all students.
- Leave Meeting: Leave the meeting. You will be prompted to assign a host so that the meeting can continue.
Students can click on the Live Transcript button to request that their Instructors enables auto-transcripts. To turn off captions on your individual view, click on the arrow in the corner of the Live Transcript button and select Hide Subtitle from the drop-down menu.
Join Audio
If you wish to record the class, click the Record button, and select Record to the Cloud.
You can then share your screen. We recommend sharing Screen 1 (the entire desktop). If you are sharing audio from your PowerPoint select the check box Share Sound, if you are sharing video also select Optimize for Video Clip.
- As you go through the PowerPoint the students in the classroom can see the presentation on the board and the students attending via Zoom can see the desktop screen and hear you via the microphone. We recommend turning the video off.
Once complete with the presentation, stop sharing the screen in Zoom.
- Stop the Zoom recording and end the meeting.
Turn off the projector by selecting POWER OFF and sign out of the SMU computer.
NOTE: The webcam can be physically moved, bent, and angled to capture better video and/or audio. The computer will automatically pick up the webcam’s microphone and video feed and connect them to Zoom.

Using the Document Camera
- Turn on the document camera by holding in the red power button for 1-2 seconds.
Once the document camera is on, change the projector to DOC CAMERA.
To share the DOC CAMERA with the Zoom class, click on Share Screen (if you are not sharing your screen) or New Share (if you are already sharing your screen).
Go to Advanced.
Select the option Content from 2nd Camera.
If your image is being mirrored on the Document Camera in Zoom and the projector and you would like it to reflect the document normally. Please follow these steps to adjust the view.
Click the up arrow next to the Start Video button and select Video Settings...
Select Lumens Document Camera. Uncheck Mirror my video, then click the X in the top right corner of the pop-up.
Once you are done using the document camera, switch the projector back to PC.
- Share the screen again in Zoom to continue with the PowerPoint.
In the home page of your Brightspace course, navigate to Zoom.
Open Cloud Recording.
Toggle the option Publish beside the recording to publish the recording to students.
Once published the students will be able to access the recordings from Brightspace:
- Click the Zoom tab in the Brightspace course.
- Click the Cloud Recordings tab.
Click the blue Topic text of the cloud recording of interest.
Select the Play button in the middle of the recording rectangle.
- There will be a small message that will pop up saying that the passcode was copied to the clipboard.
Another tab/window that will open where you need to paste the passcode that was copied to your clipboard. Right-click paste or CTRL + V to paste the passcode. Click Watch Recording.
- The video player will now appear. Click the play button in the bottom right corner of the video player to start the video playback.
You can also control your published Brightspace recording through sharing settings in Zoom website.
- Go to
- Click on Sign in in the top right corner and sign in with your email address and your Zoom password.
Click on Recordings along the left navigation bar.
Select the Cloud Recordings tab.
Locate your desired recording and click on Share.
If you wish for students to be able to view the class recording, toggle the Share this recording switch to On and select the Publicly radio button.
- If you do not wish for students to be able to view the class recording, toggle the Share this recording switch to Off and skip this step.
Click on Copy Sharing information.
- Then into the Content Tab in Brightspace – add it to a module. If your recording is passcode protected, the passcode will be included in the sharing information.
Edit the Zoom Cloud Recording
You can also do basic editing of your recording file in the Zoom cloud before publishing the document.
- Go to and login in your Zoom account. Then go to recordings.
- Click on the topic of the recording that you want to edit.
Click on the play button to play the recording.
Click on Set Playback range.
Adjust the toggle bars to set the playback range. After that click Save.
If you have any questions about using Zoom in your course or would like any additional support using the software, please reach out to the Software & Application Support Centre via email at
Before Class
- Open an internet browser and go to Brightspace Login and log in with your S-Number and password.
- Navigate to your Birghtspace course under My Courses.
- Select Zoom along the top navigation bar.
Click on the Schedule a New Meeting button.
Change the topic name, set the date and time and the duration of your class meeting.
If you wish to set up a weekly class meeting, select the Recurring meeting checkbox.
- Select Weekly from the Recurrence drop-down menu.
- Set the Repeat every to 1 week and select the check boxes that correspond with the days of the week your class takes place.
Set the End Date for a specific date or set the number of weeks the class should repeat.
- Once you have finished the setup, click on Save.
- Click on the Zoom tab again from the navigation bar.
Select the name of your Zoom meeting under the Topic column.
- [Optional] If you want to share the meeting information directly. Copy the meeting link.
[Optional] Scroll down to the Security section and click on Show next to the Passcode.
[Optional] Copy the meeting passcode by highlighing it with your cursor, right clicking, and selecting Copy from the drop-down menu.
- Paste the meeting passcode into a News Item, email to your students, or elsewhere in your Brightspace course to let students know the meeting passcode. We recommend that you use the same meeting passcode for each class meeting for the same course during the semester.
Under the meeting options we would suggest selecting the option Mute Participants Upon Entry.

During Class
- Log in to the computer using your S-Number and password.
- Open an internet browser and go to Brightspace Login and log in with your S-Number and password.
- Navigate to your course and click on the Zoom tab on the navigation bar.
Locate your class meeting and class meeting and click Start.
A new tab will open, and you will be prompted Open Zoom Meetings. Then the Zoom application will open and launch your meeting.
Meeting controls:
Join Audio
or Unmute (
) / Mute (
): Mute and unmute your microphone. Audio Controls (click the ^ arrow next to Mute / Unmute): Allows you to change the microphone and speaker that Zoom is currently using on your computer, leave computer audio, and access the full audio settings.
Start Video (
) / Stop Video (
): Turns your camera on or off. Video Controls (click the ^ arrow next to Start Video / Stop Video): Change cameras if you have multiple cameras, select a virtual background (if enabled), or access your full video settings.
Security (
): Access in-meeting security options.
Participants (
): Opens the window to manage students, view aggregate nonverbal feedback, and invite others to join the meeting.
Chat (
): Access the chat window to chat with the students.
Share Screen (
): Start sharing your screen. You will be able to select the desktop or application you want to share. When you are screen sharing, the controls will appear at the top of your screen, but you can drag it to another location.
Share Screen controls (click ^ next to Share Screen): Select who can share in your meeting and if you want only the instructor or any student to be able to start a new share when someone is sharing.
Share Screen controls (click ^ next to Share Screen): Select who can share in your meeting and if you want only the instructor or any student to be able to start a new share when someone is sharing.
Record (
): Start or stop a cloud or local recording.
Closed Caption/Live Transcript (
): Click the Live Transcript button and select Enable Auto-Transcription to enable students to turn on captions if you are speaking English.
Breakout Rooms (
): Start breakout rooms.
Reactions (
): Meeting reactions, nonverbal feedback, and Raise Hand allow you to communicate issues or feedback to the Instructor or Student without disrupting the meeting. These reactions are shown on your video panel and next to your name on the participant’s panel.
More (
): Clicking on More will give you access to additional options.
- Live on Facebook: Broadcast your meeting live on Facebook.
- Live on Workplace by Facebook: Broadcast your meeting live on Workplace by Facebook.
- Live on YouTube: Broadcast your meeting live on YouTube.
- Live on Custom Live Streaming Service: Broadcast your meeting live on a custom streaming platform.
End (only available to the host): Display the following two options.
- End Meeting for All: End the meeting for yourself and all students.
- Leave Meeting: Leave the meeting. You will be prompted to assign a host so that the meeting can continue.
Students can click on the Live Transcript button to request that their Instructors enables auto-transcripts. To turn off captions on your individual view, click on the arrow in the corner of the Live Transcript button and select Hide Subtitle from the drop-down menu.
Join Audio
We recommended only using Speaker and Gallery views for your meeting for now. To change the view:
Click on the View button on the top right corner of the Zoom meeting.
Select Speaker view if you want the person who is speaking at any time to be highlighted.
Select Gallery View if you want to see you see thumbnail displays of participants, in a grid pattern. Depending on your CPU, the desktop client can display up to 25 or 49 participants in a single screen of the Gallery view. If more attendees than are allowed to be displayed are in the meeting, additional pages are created with your max number of thumbnails on each page.
Speaker view will switch the large video window between who is speaking with 3 or more participants in the meeting. If it is just, you and one other participant, your video will be smaller at the top and their video will appear below.
Click on the View button on the top right corner of the Zoom meeting.
Sharing your Screen:
You can then share your screen or any individual window. If you are sharing audio from your PowerPoint select the check box Share Sound, if you are sharing video also select Optimize for Video Clip.
- We recommend turning your video off at this point If you have poor internet connection.
Once your presentation is complete, stop sharing the screen in Zoom.
To start sharing a new document while you are sharing your screen, click on New Share and select the window(s).
You can then share your screen or any individual window. If you are sharing audio from your PowerPoint select the check box Share Sound, if you are sharing video also select Optimize for Video Clip.
Nonverbal feedback can be used in Zoom classes for better engagement with the student. These are some of the default Emojis:
Raise Hand / Lower Hand (
): This is the way students can let you know if they have a question. This icon will stay unless manually removed by the participant/ host.
Yes (
) / No (
): For a spontaneous Yes/No question in the class, you can ask students to use this to answer. Then in the participant list, you can have a rough estimation of how many people are saying yes or no.
Speed Up (
): Student can request you to speed up.
Slow Down (
): Student can request you to slow down so they can catch up.
I'm away (
): Can put up this icon if the student went away from the meeting, without leaving the meeting.
To send a reaction, click on the Reaction button (
) on the toolbar along the bottom or top of the screen.
If you are using a phone or tablet your reaction button may be hidden – tap the More button and tap on the reaction you would like to send.
All these icons will stay unless manually removed by the participant.
Raise Hand / Lower Hand (
Edit or Remove passcode for your recording
By default, Zoom creates a passcode for a ameeting recording which is a different passcode from the meeting invite. When students access the recordings from Cloud Recording page of the Zoom tab in Brightspace, they can see the passcode. You can edit or remove the passcode for your recordings. Please follow these steps to do so:
- Go to and login with your SMU Zoom account.
From the left panel click on Recordings.
Under Cloud Recordings you should see your recorded lectures.
Click on Share beside the recording.
To remove the passcode, toggle the option Passcode Protection off.
To change the passcode, click on the edit icon beside the passcode.
To remove the download access toggle off the option Viewers can Download.
- After changing the settings, click Done. PLease repeat that for all your recordings.
For future, if you want to remove the passcode for all your recordings be default, please follow these steps:
- Go to and login with your SMU Zoom account.
From the left panel click on Settings.
From the top panel of the Settings page, go to Recording.
On that page scroll down and toggle the option Require passcode to access shared cloud recordings off.
The next step is to publish the recording to the students. Please follow these steps to do so:
- In Brightspace, Navigate to Zoom.
Open Cloud Recording
Toggle the option Publish beside the recording to publish the recording to the students.
Note: The next few steps are for backing up your recording for future use as Zoom will only store your recording for 180 days. If you do not want to backup your recorded lecture, you can ignore these steps:
- Go to and login with your SMU Zoom account.
- From the left panel click on Recordings. Go to Cloud Recordings.
- Click on the Topic of a recording.
Click on the Download button. Your recordings will be downloaded after that.
Now, you can backup your files locally in your computer. However, we recommend backing up using OneDrive to save space in your computer.
How to backup your Zoom recordings on OneDrive
Depending on your settings, Zoom may ask you to download multiple files when your download the recordings. This includes the video recording of the lecture, the audio only file, the chat and transcript. Depending on your needs, you may want to back up all of them.
- Go to this link and enter your SMU (Saint Mary's Univeristy) Email address. It redirects you to SMU login page.
- Enter your Email/SMU Port password and click on Sign In.
- Click on New > Folder to create a new folder. Name the folder and click Create. Then, click on the folder to open the folder.
- Now click on New > Files and select the recording files.
If you are already saving the recordings in a folder, you may not need to create a new folder. In that case, you can upload the entire folder by Upload > Folder.
Creston Media Control Panel:
Dark screen on the Creston Media Control Panel and the Monitor:
The Creston Media Control Panel is a touch screen device. If it has a dark screen, tap on the screen of the Creston Media Control Panel to wake up the Creston Media Control Panel along with the monitor (might take a few seconds). You will see the screen shown below.

Above shows the Creston Media Control Panel. To turn it on, tap Local Presentation on the Creston Media Control Panel screen and log in to the computer with your SMU Email and Password.
Initial Set-up:
Selecting Source and Display:
Once logged in, you must select a Source and Display to present your content. The first step is to select the Source and then you have to select the Display that you would like to use.
You can select the Source and Display from either the monitor, or from the Creston Control Panel. -
If you are planning to use the Monitor from the classroom, select the Room PC under USB Routing.
If you are planning to use your own Laptop, connect it with the HDMI cable that’s present beside the monitor and select Laptop under USB Routing.
If you need to use the Speaker, make sure the speaker is turned on by tapping on the red speaker button. Tap and hold the volume buttons on the Creston screen to adjust the volume.

To turn on your Microphone, tap on the red microphone on the bottom of your screen, it will turn green. The microphone on the ceiling will also turn green when it’s turned on otherwise, it will stay red.

In-person Classroom (e.g. Using projector and Doc Camera)
- If it is an in-person class, select Room PC/ Laptop PC from the Source List and select Projector from the Display List. The content from the monitor/laptop will be shared in the projector.
If you would like to share content from the Doc Camera, select Doc Camera from the Source List, and select Comfort Monitor from the Display List. The content from the Doc Camera will be shared in the monitor beside the projector.
If at any point, you would like to change your sources/display, you can tap on Clear Source and then you can click on the Display that you would like to change. Then select your new source and display if needed.
Hybrid Classroom (e.g. in-person, online and sharing content)
- If it is an in-person class, select Room PC/ Laptop PC from the Source List and select Projector from the Display List. The content from the monitor/laptop will be mirrored in the projector.
- You can share you front/back camera from the Source List with your inperson/online classroom through your preferred display from the Display List.
- You can also share your Doc Camera content by selecting it from the Source List and then selecting your preferred display from the Display List.
How to Shut Down:
- Once you are done with the class, please clear all the sources and displays by clicking on Clear Source and then the Displays(s).
- Make sure you sign out from the computer.
- Do Not click on Shut Down on the Creston Control Panel.