
Everything OneDrive

Instructions: To install OneDrive (desktop version) to your computer, follow the steps below which will walk you through how to get started! Click here to download OneDrive.


OneDrive Overview Video

How to use Microsoft OneDrive

What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all your devices. When you use OneDrive with an account provided y your company or school, it's sometimes called 'OneDrive for work or school'. It used to be known as "OneDrive for Business", so you may still see it called that in places.

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What is the difference between online and desktop OneDrive?
How to tell the Difference Between Cloud and Desktop OneDrive

How many accounts can be linked to OneDrive? How much space can my OneDrive store?
  • Users can only have one OneDrive account synced to their Desktop.
  • Max space you can store on OneDrive: 1000 GB (1TB).
  • Best practice for uploading a lot of files: We recommend that you upload files to your OneDrive Desktop version (shown in video link below), and split the files into multiple folders if your are migrating a large number of files (i.e. hundreds of GB's or 100,000 + files).
What do all icons mean on OneDrive?

How do I know if I have OneDrive installed or need to be updated?

Windows users: Click Start (bottom left) > In Search Tab: File Explorer > OneDrive (left hand side).

Mac Users: Click the Finder tab > OneDrive (left hand side).

Note: If you do not see the OneDrive, this indicates that you do not have it downloaded to your desktop. Click here to download OneDrive.

How do I know if I am logged in under my work (SMU) account?

Note: For windows users the OneDrive Icon will be found in the bottom right of screen (see screenshot):

Note: If you are logged into the wrong account, you can click the “unlink this____” and sign back in with your SMU account.

Web Version:

  1. Login to SMU Port or OneDrive 365.
  2. SMUport: Click "Office 365 Email".

    Note: If you are logged in with "OneDrive 365" you can skip steps 2-4.

  3. Click the App Launcher in top left of page (waffle button).
  4. In the App Launcher, click "OneDrive".

    Note: When uploading a single file to OneDrive, you must select "files". If you want to upload multiple files at once, you must first put them in a folder and then click Upload > Folder.

Desktop Version:

  1. Open OneDrive on Desktop. For Windows users: Click the search tab in bottom left > Search: "File Explorer" > Click OneDrive (on-left hand side, as shown below). For Mac users: Click the Finder tab > OneDrive (left hand side).
  2. Find the File or Folder you want to upload to OneDrive.
  3. Drag File into OneDrive.

Note: When you transfer a file from your computer to OneDrive, it will not make a copy. For purposes of wanting a copy on your local storage and in OneDrive, make a duplicate. To make a duplicate, right click the file > duplicate.

Note: Green check mark indicates the file is uploaded to OneDrive and downloaded to local drive. Any changes made to files with check mark will be updated automatically, regardless of if you are accessing the file from the Web or the Desktop version. These green check marks are there because I have synced files from my OneDrive web to my desktop. Keep in mind if you have a large number of files in your OneDrive we strongly recommend you select only the essential files to sync (for purposes to preserve storageo n computer). For more information on syncing, please refer to the next section of this document.

How to sync Files & Folders (video): Syncing OneDrive Files and Folders

Sync OneDrive Folders to your computer:

The white cloud icon indicates OneDrive is running without problems, sync is up-to-date and it is used for personal accounts (i.e. Hotmail, live, outlook, etc.). Blue cloud icon indicates that there are no problems, sync is up-to-date and that a "OneDrive for business"account is configured.

  1. Select the white cloud or blue cloud OneDrive icon in the windows taskbar notification area. For windows users: This will be found at the bottom right of your computer screen. For mac users: This will be found at the top right of your screen.
  2. Select > Help & Settings > Settings. For mac users: Select "Preferences".
  3. Select the Account tab, and select Choose folders.
  4. In the Sync your OneDrive files, choose the folders that you want to sync. Uncheck any folders that you don't want to sync to your computer and select OK.
  5. Tip: Create a folder/shortcut in your OneDrive (web version) and put only the important or essential "shared files" in this location. Next, proceed with checking off the folder name (i.e. Files), and disable "files On-Demand". Now, your fodler will stay up-to-date, and any changes you or a colleague make can be accessed from your desktop.

    Note: Syncing files will create a direct link from the web version of OneDrive, but files htat are being shared will not change. For any shared files it is recommended that you use the online (web version) to access those tupes of documents.

    Source: Choose which OneDrive fodlers to sync to your computer

  6. Click the OneDrive Icon > Settings.
  7. In Settings > Select Settings (again) > Hover your mouse over the "Files On-Demand" box (shown below).
  8. Note: When you uncheck the box ("files on-demand"), all synced files on your Web & Desktop version of OneDrive will download. Any changes made to a document on your desktop or web will automatically update. This will tdownload the files from OneDrive (cloud) to your desktop and link them together. Remember to select only the essentail synced files/fodlers that you want saved to your local storage, to manage space on your computer.

  9. Syncing shared files to OneDrive: Click "OK" to disable Files On-Demand.
  10. Refresh and check mark beside fodlers: indicate that both desktop and web version are synced and up-to-date. Any changes made in "shared folders" will be udpated in these folders on your OneDrive desktop version. A Red X beside the folder indicates that OneDrive was unable to sync the file/folder.

Un-Sync Folder(s):

Right-Click on the OneDrive icon in the system tray and the bottom right corner and click Settings. On the Microsoft OneDrive settings screen, under accounts, you will see the folders you have synchronized from Teams (or SharePoint). To stop syncing the folder, click Stop Sync.

Accessing OneDrive (from the Web)

  1. Login to SMUport or OneDrive 365
  2. SMUport: Click "Office 365 Email".

    Note: If you logged in with "OneDrive 365" you can skip steps 2-4.

  3. Click the App Launcher in top left of page (waffle button).
  4. In the App Launcher click "OneDrive".

Sharing Content in OneDrive (from the Web)

  1. Under "Files", find the document you would like to share (note: if you cannot find the document, use the search tab, type in the name of the document OR a key phrase or sentence that is in the document).
  2. Hover your mouse over the file you want to share. Process with clicking the three dots (in red) and then click "Share" (in red).
  3. Click "People you specify can edit" (in red).
  4. Setting Permissions: Decide if you want to allow the person(s) you are sharing the document with editing access or not.
    Allow Editing: If you want people to edit the document to collaborate, check the "allow editing box".
    Only View: If you only want people to view the document and don't want people to edit, then keep "allow editing box" unchecked. You will also have the option to prevent downloading by toggling on the "block download" tab. (grey = off, blue = on).

    Note: Steps 4 -7 will go over the permission levels with sharing content in OneDrive

    Allow editing - When you share items with this type of link, people can edit files, can add files in a shared folder, and can delete files in a shared folder if they're signed in. Recipients can forward the link, change the list of people sharing the files or folders, and change permissions for recipients. If you're sharing a folder, people with Edit permissions can copy, move, edit, rename, share, and delete anything in the folder (Microsoft).
    By default, Allow editing is turned on. If you want people to only view your files, uncheck the check box. With OneDrive for work or school accounts, you can slo quickly select editing permissions without having to open the sharing link settings. Simply select the pencil icon (shown in step 6) next to the Name, group or email box, then give the recipients edit - read-only permission. If you want to select or modify more options, select Link settings to access the additional options (Microsoft).

  5. Next, we will determine who we want to have access to the link. Please refer to the description for each category below:
    • Anyone with the link: Anyone Gives access to any who receives this link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. This may incldue people outside of your organization.
    • People in Saint Mary's University with the link: Gives anyone in your organization who has the link access to the file, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. Anyone with a SMU email would be able to access or share.
    • People with existing access: Can be used by people who already have access to the document or folder. It does not change the permissions on the ite,. Use this if you just want to send a link to somebody who already has access.
    • Specific people: Gives access only to the people you specify, although other people may already have access. If people forward the sharing invitation, only people who already have access ot the item will be able to use the link.
  6. After you have set-up the permissions (from last step) you can now add people. In the "To: Name, group or email" type in the names/emails of members you want to share the file with.
  7. Click "Send" to share content with members. Members will receive the invitation for hte shared content in their email inbox. Members will also see the shared file appear in their "shared" section of OneDrive (see next step).
  8. To view and or open content you have shared, or someone has shared with you, click the "Shared" tab (on left hand side of OneDrive). In this tab, you can now see what has been "shared with you" and waht has been "shared by you" (see red box at top).

Adding Shortcuts to Shared Folders in OneDrive

Information on Adding Shortcuts to Shared Folders
Personal Vault on OneDrive (Note: Only available for Windows 10 users)
How to Stop Sharing or Change Permissions on OneDrive Files

Revoke Sharing Access on Shared File

  1. Hover over the file on your OneDrive that you would like to remove access or delete. Click on the ellipsis > Manage access.
  2. A Manage access window will pop up. Then, click on the ellipsis to view more options.
  3. If you would like to delete a link, click on the cross. A message in a box will appear asking if you would like to delete the link, then select Delete.

Sharing Files from your desktop (applies for both Windows & Mac.

Right Click file > Share

Uploading a file to the Files tab in a Channel or Chat creates a new version of that file that is no longer associated with the file saved to your OneDrive.
To share a file from your OneDrive without creating a new version:

  1. Navigate to a chat or conversation and click the Attach icon.
  2. Select OneDrive.
  3. Locate the file and click Share.
  4. Once the file preview is visible in the chat, click on the tiny arrow next to where it says People in this chat with the link can edit to open the Link settings.

Teams Meeting Recordings

Teams meetings that do not occur in a Channel will save to OneDrive. See here for details on who has access to what.

Restore a Shared File to an Earlier Version.

How to move folders from OneDrive to the Files tab of a Private Channel in Teams:

  1. Go to Office and sign in with @smu.ca email address and password. Leave a browser tab open to your Microsoft Office Home Page.
  2. Click on OneDrive from the left navigation bar. If you don't see OneDrive listed, click on All Apps in the bottom left corner of your browser tab and choose OneDrive from the page that launches.
  3. Hover your cursor over the name of the folder that you'd like to move.
  4. Click on the three dots that appear next to the Modified column and select Move to from the list.
  5. From the pane that opens along the right side of your browser tab, select the name of your Channel from the list. It will be in the format Team Name - Channel Name. If you don't see the name of your Channel, click Browse sites and then click See moreto see the full list of Channels. If you still don't see your Channel, do the following:
    1. Open the Teams app from your desktop. If you don't have internet browser and select the Teams icon from the left navigation bar to launch the web version of Teams.
    2. Navigate to your desired Team.
    3. Select the Private Channel to which you would like to move a folder.
    4. Click on the Files tab.
    5. Select the Open in SharePoint button along the top menu bar. If you don't see the Open in SharePoint button, click on the three dots next to the Download button and select Open in SharePoint from the list.
    6. The folder will open on SharePoint in a new browser tab. Close out the browser tab once the page loads.
    7. Navigate back to your Microsoft Office Home Page browser tab.
  6. Click Move here.
  7. You'll see a notification along the top menu bar of your OneDrive tab that indicates the progress of your folder migration.
  8. Once the notification says Moved, you can navigate to the Files tab of the Private Channel within Teams to ensure the folder has been moved correctly.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 for each folder in your OneDrive that corresponds to a new Private Channel.